Campus Outreach South Africa is in its 19th year of reaching out to university students on campuses throughout South Africa, we have over a thousand Alumni working in companies, schools, hospitals, courts and many other places of influence. We also have had many who have gone into full-time ministry local or abroad. Up to date, we’ve had approximately 70 people go into full-time ministry for an average of 2 years which is an amazing testimony to our desire to challenge students to make a difference in this world, be equipped in ministry tools that will aid them to reach out to the lost where they live, work and play.
Our desire with COSA Alumni is
To see our alumni faithfully walk with God and go into the 10/40 window, some will serve in the inner city, some will make disciples in the marketplace, their families, and many other places.
To provide our graduates with a platform for a smooth transition from university to the workplace.
To serve and care for our graduates better by sharing resources that are thought-provoking, developmental and equipping in their current stage of life.
To engage with each other in groups and organising seminars where we can exchange ideas, share knowledge and learn from each other triumphs and mistakes.
Just Do Something-Hyper-spiritual approaches to finding God's will don't work. It's time to try something new: give up. Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung counsels Christians to settle down, make choices, and do the hard work of seeing those choices through.
Search For Significance- Robert McGee's best-selling book has helped millions of readers learn how to be free to enjoy Christ's love while no longer basing their self-worth on their accomplishments or the opinions of others.
Gay Girl Good God- Jackie Hill Perry shares her own story, offering practical tools that helped her in the process of finding wholeness. Jackie grew up fatherless and experienced gender confusion. She embraced masculinity and homosexuality with every fiber of her being.
Following Jesus In The "Real World" - What does it mean to follow Jesus after college? The terrain is unmapped, the destination uncertain, the stakes high. Richard Lamb deftly blends scriptural insights, stories of recent graduates, and his own life experience to offer sound advice and practical encouragement for a confusing time.
Dress up & show up- In Dress Up and Show Up, Manthapong Ravele shares insights born from personal and others’ experience of yielding to the Holy Spirit’s direction in the workplace. The book captures stories of Christians’ journey in the workplace from humble beginnings to leadership and how they made a difference in the modern corporate world.
Mpho Zim Wits Alumni,
Management Consultant
What does ministry look like in the workplace, how is it different from campus.
Ministry in the workplace is an adventure. There are many people who have very set ways of living and moving and adults easily get offended when you challenge their chosen way of living with gospel truth. Whilst on campus most junior students are open the engaging, people in the workplace are less open and many have their own experience with the church (good or bad) Apart from company policies which try to restrict conversations around religion, people are more likely to hide. behind facades until you build a real relationship with them. I've had to build friendships, genuine friendship, in order to earn the right to share my truth.
Kgodisho Phashe, UJ Alumni
How do struggle and challenge ethical issues that are not in line with your beliefs?
Ethical issues will always arise a especially in a world that does not know Jesus. The best thing I hold on to is to always try hold on to what is true knowing that I’m not working for a boss but for the Lord. The best answer I can give is pray pray pray for strength and the Lord’s guidance.
What advice do you have for graduates entering the workplace and for the alumni
Graduates entering the workplace should make active plans on how they will grow their relationship with God, their new workplace mates (important decision) and how they will balance work, life and play. Alumni should continue trying to grow their friendships they started in varsity as these tend to suffer after we finish studying
Zizipho Zulu, UJ Alumni
Stay at home mom.
How do you find a balance between being a mom, taking care of the family and yourself?
I am all about caring for myself first. When I take care of myself I can take care of my family better. In a week I take two mornings off where I go to a coffee shop and just spend time in the Lord and prayer. I always come back from those times so refueled. As a mom I have learned to care for myself first and that makes me a better person.
What advice do you have for the graduates?
Advice that I have for graduate is that to take care for their spiritual walk with God as they did as students. It can be a lonely place in workplace and you need daily encouragement to know that God is on your side.